We started the month of June with a presentation at Deutsche Bank continuing with our and if you’re a staff of any of these organisations, always be on the lookout as we bring exclusive offers to you. Our presentations continue this month at:
ICBC Standard Bank: 15th – 19th
Credit Suisse (Cabot Square): 23rd
PwC (Embankment Place): 28th and 29th.
It’s Father’s day in a couple of weeks and we have some amazing gift ideas… and for bespoke garments or shoes will do the magic
We have added some new features on our website and you can now online directly from the website or call to schedule one. We also added more information about our cloth collection, suit ranges and pricing.
As the temperature rises, we also thought to step it up a notch with our summer offers. We have some offers that will definitely interest you: for more info
£2000 for a bespoke 2pc suit, 2 bespoke luxury shirts and a pair of shoes in our range
£850 for a bespoke 2pc suit, extra trousers and a bespoke shirt in our range
£300 for 5 bespoke shirts in our range.
Lastly if you’re getting married, attending a wedding as a guest or going to the Ascots this summer and are thinking what to wear, get in touch and a member of our team will be on hand to help bring your ideas to life. With styles ranging from Tuxedo’s to Tails and or traditional suits, we will do out best to make the day perfect for you.
For more details on our offers , visit or book an appointment with us at for professional advice on your journey to self-awareness and style and to tailor some custom made suits. to book an appointment today.